Kelly Kurzejewski


Provider - Colorado Springs

Kelly Kurzejewski is a dedicated Nurse Practitioner holding a Master of Science in Nursing degree from University of California, Los Angeles. Her professional history is a testament to her unwavering dedication to her patients. For more than a decade, Kelly honed her skills in diverse settings, including medical, surgical, and cardiovascular units. As a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner, Kelly worked in a variety of areas including Critical Care and Neurosurgery. However, she spent the majority of her clinical hours with an Advanced Practitioner - learning the ins and outs of hormone imbalances in both men and women. During this time, she developed a passion for helping individuals suffering from hormonal irregularities - leading her to Rocky Mountain Men’s Clinic.

Within the Men's Sexual Health industry, Kelly is deeply passionate about educating men on the significance of hormone replacement therapy and revitalizing their sexual health. Her dedication stems from a genuine desire to enhance the lives of her patients and foster healthier relationships. Kelly believes the Rocky Mountain Men’s Clinic provides men with a comfortable and supportive environment to discuss and achieve their health goals.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Kelly is an avid outdoor enthusiast. You can often find her tackling the Manitou Incline, embarking on backpacking adventures, hitting the slopes, and exploring the great outdoors on her bicycle. Kelly also values quality time with her husband, Bob, and enjoys immersing herself in historical fiction. She cherishes moments spent with her nieces and nephew, rounding out her life with love and adventure.

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A Promeniq® Restorative Health Practice